Wednesday 13 April 2016


Here we have our exciting final movie. It's been a long process to get to this final product. I hope you enjoy and like it!!! 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

                                                              PRELIMINARY TASK

Hello guys! This is a draft of my movie. It's been a hard job, so I hope you all enjoy watching this clip and are all excited about the final movie.
I promise that I will post it soon!

Thursday 7 April 2016

How does your product use or challenge convections and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Thursday 31 March 2016


How do your products engage with the audience and how would they be distributed as real media?


How did your production skills develop throught this project?

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Evaluation question 4

How did you integrate technologies-software, hardware and online-in this project?

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Today me and all my class have been visiting the music studio of LA BODEGA in the centre of Jerez. First of all  the manager  of the study receive us and explain us a bit of the theory of the music studios and in concrete of this one. He tell us about the expensive that are the materials used to make the soun-isolated rooms. The artists that work there need to be completely isolated to have the best sound possible. Deppending on how many they are they work in one or another different room.
Also the music studio need to have a proffessional equipment to work and perfect the sounds.

They allow us to record a song all as a class and we really enjoyed this funny time.
We have spent a great time  and that none had been on a study before.

Wednesday 17 February 2016


After spending some lessons investigating on target audience for fiction movies we have decided that our film will be directed to all publics except for childrens because about the fiction that is a little bit complex  they will not understand the plot of the film.

Here are some importants points and ideas about fiction movies target audience.


I found this technical definition in a specific bussines dictionary.

Target audience is referred to a particular group of people, identified as the intended recipient of an advertisement or message. Also called target population.

I first started analysing the term target audience and here the most appropiate definition that I found.

Fiction movies are usually watched by all type of publics but in special by young people because they have more imagination than older ones.

Here are some examples of fiction movies:

These films in particular are directed to young guys between 15-25 years old because is an easy context to understand.


Hello everybody!

Today at class we have been working about locations we are going to use for the film.

We think is a good idea to film in the countryside with different animals and  beautiful backgrounds. Also we would film other scenes at home or outside in the street.

Analasying different fiction movie locations:

In this particular fiction movie  we can see how the location have been done in a destroyed city in the middle of the street.

In this other fiction movie we can see how the location is again in a destroyed city but in this particular case it looks like if the man was in the air.


Today in class we have been working on deciding which is going to be the tittle for the film i am doing with my classmate.

We have been thinking in possible tittles but we dont know yet which one is going to be. We want to be sure of it before we decide something. The tittle of our film has to be related with the plot of the
movie. It has to be an interesting and different tittle.

I have been investigating lokking at many tittle films to get new ideas.

This are some of the tittles for films that most i like.


Thursday 11 February 2016

Today we have being analasying in class a part of the film interstellar.
-Camera work:
  -Close-up shot. When we see the face of the man inside and we can see in his face that is worried because    their partners are in danger.
  -Wide shot. In the first scene when we see the aircraft in the see in a general view.
  -Track movement. It is used many times, for example when they are walking in theb water.
  -Low angle. In the first scene when we see the aircraft since the water and it feel higher.
  -Bird-eye view. When we see the air craft since the air.

-Editing techniques:
  -Shot-reverse-shot. In one of the first scenes when the two men are having a conversation with the woman    and the focus on the men and just after to the woman and like that two or three times more.
  -Eyeline match. When the men that is inside looking to the other outside, first we see the man inside and          inmediately after we see what he is looking that are the others outside.
  -Fast paced match. In one of the last scenes where it pass very fast from one scene to another.

  -Non-diegetic sound. In the first scene when we hear the sound of the aircraft landing in the see. This is too    an example of ambient sound.
  -Diegetic sound. In many parts of the film we can see conversations that are a perfect example of                    diegetic sound.

-Mise-en scene:
 -Custome. We can see that they wear like astronauts.
 -Location. It is seen that the aircraft is in middle of the ocean.
 -High-key lightning. In most parts of the film we see high-key lightning.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

                                             ANALYSIS OF MOVIE INCEPTION

Today we have been analysing a scene of the movie inception.

Camera work:
- We can see a clear over the shoulder shot when they are having a conversation in the first scenes, when they are drawing.
- Extreme close-up shot. When she wake up and we can see her surpeising face.

- Crosscutting. When the protagonist is talking about his dreams and we see a scene of his dreams while they continuou talking.
- Slow motion. In the scene where the objects are flying.

Mise-en scene:
- Props. The props of the scene where showing the picture of the woman are the pen, the notebook, the hand and the picture.
- Custome. The actors wear an informal custome all the film.

- Diegetic sound. Are for example, the conversations or dialogues.
- Non-diegetic sound. The noise that the earthquake make.

Thursday 14 January 2016

-Wide shot. Show a wide view of the scene.

- Close-up shot. Show someone from shoulders up.

- Master shot. Show were characters/ objects are positioned in a scene.

- Aerial shot. Filmed from the air.

- Over the shoulder shot. Just what it says.

-Two-shot. Show two people.

- Long shot. Show someone from head to toes.

- High angle. Camera looks down on someone showing inferiority.

- Low angle. Camera looks up at someone showing superiority.

- Canted angle. Camera at a slanted angle.


- Pan. Moves from side to side.

-Tilt. The camera moves up and down.

-Track. Follows a person or an object.

- Crane. Moves up or down on a crane.

- Steadicam. Creates a gliding effect.

- Zoom. In or out.

- Reverse zoom. Out or in.


- Shot-reverse-shot. Back and forth between people in a conversation.

- Action match. Cutting to show another angle of the scene.

- Crosscutting. Show two actions happening simultaneously.

- Slow motion. Just what it says.

- Graphic match. Similar shape or colour.

- Eyeline match. Showing first a person looking something and the next scene is the object the person was looking at.

- Superimposition. Just what it says.

Today i am going to talk about MISE-EN-SCENE.

-Location. Where the scene takes place. In this image we can see that the location is a normal bathroom.

-Set design. How the setting is designed.

-Custome. Clothes worn by the actors. In this image we can appreciate that the custome of this actor is a famous superhero (superman).

-Make-up. Just what it said.

-Props. Objects used in the scene. In this image we can see that the props are the head of the animals.


-High key lighting. Bright lighting.

-Low key lighting. Dark lighting.

Today i am going to talk about sound techniques.

-Diegetic sound. Sound originating from a source in the scene, for example:
          -Voices of characters.
          -Sounds made by objects in a story.
          -Music represented as coming from instruments in the story space.

-Non-diegetic sound. Sound added in postproduction.
         -Narrators comentary.
         -Sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect.
         -Mood music

-Sound motif. A sound of piece of music associated with a character, place or theme. The sound motifs condition the audience emotionally for the intervention, arrival or actions of a particular character. The sound motifs can be very useful in the rough cut, where they help clarify the narrative functions of the characters and provide a sound association for those characters as we move through the story.

-Voiceover. Dialogue spoken by an unseen character over related images.

-Ambient sound. Background noise.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Today i am going to talk about editing techniques.
-Cutting. Is the process where one shot is replaced on screen immediately by the next.
In this image we can see a perfect example of a cutting technique. There is a cut when the camera jump from a perspective to another.

-Shot/reverse shot. Cutting back and forth between people in a converrsation.
We can see in this picture a good example of a shot reverse shot technique. We can see how the the camera focus one person and then the other in middle of the conversation.

-Eyeline match. Cutting to show what a character is looking at. In this image we can see how thw woman is looking first the global perspective of the frame and then focus her eyes onto a special part of it.

-Graphic match. A similar shape or colour linking two consecutive shots.Is a cut in film editing between either two different objects, two different spaces, or two different compositions in which objects in the two shots graphically match, often helping to stablish a strong continuity of action and linking the two shots metaphorically.

-Action match. Cutting to show another angle of the scene. In this image we can see different angles of the same action scene and it is a wonderfull example of an action match.

-Jump cut. Cutting out the middle section of a shot. Is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots pf the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time.

-Crosscutting. Cutting back and forth between two or more scenes happening simultaneously. Is an editing technique most often used in films to stablish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. In a cross-cut, the camera will cut away from one action to another action, which can suggest the simultaneityof these two actions but this is not always the case.

-Dissolve. One shot fades out as the next shot fades in. Is a gradual transition from one image to another.

-Fade out/fade in. The image fades out  to a blank screen , or fades in from a blank screen.

-Superimposition. One image is placed on top  of another image.

-Slow motion. Just what it says.

-Long take. A single continuous shot that does not cut for an unusual length of time(over a minute).

-Fast paced/slow paced editing. When the editing is fast paced the action will cut rapidly from shot to shot with each shot lasting only a few seconds. Slow paced editing will involve limited cutting from shot to shot.

Today i am going to talk about camera movements.
The camera move from side to side.

The camera moves up and down.

The camera follows a person or an object.
In this image we can see how the camera can follow the movement of an object or a person by this mechanism.

The camera moves up or down on a crane.
In this image we can see perfectly how the camera can firm the movement down or up of an object or a person.

The camera is strapped to camera operators body creates a gliding effect.
In this image we can see how the camera is perfectly addapt to the man.

The camera zooms in or out.
In this ocasision i am going to speak about camera angles.
-High angle.
Is a cinematic technique where the camera looks down on the subject from a high angle and the point of focus often gets "swallowed up". Shows the subject from above, the camera is angled down towards the subject. This has the effect of diminishing the subject, making them appear less powerful, less significant or even submissive.
-Low angle.
Is a shot from a camera angle positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eye line, looking up. Psychologically, the effect of the low-angle is that it makes the subject look strong and powerful.

Today i am going to talk about the camera angles.

-High angle.
The camera looks down on someone. High-angle shots can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless when applied with the correct mood, setting, and effects. In film, they can make the scene more dramatic.

-Low angle.
The camera looks up at someone. Psychologically, the effect of the low-angle shot is that it makes the subject look strong and powerfull.

-Canted angle.
The camera is at a slanted angle. Is a type of camera shot where the camera is set at an angle on its roll axis so that the shot is composed with vertical lines at an angle to the side of the frame, or so that the horizon line of the shot is not parallel with the bottom of the camera frame.