Wednesday 27 January 2016

                                             ANALYSIS OF MOVIE INCEPTION

Today we have been analysing a scene of the movie inception.

Camera work:
- We can see a clear over the shoulder shot when they are having a conversation in the first scenes, when they are drawing.
- Extreme close-up shot. When she wake up and we can see her surpeising face.

- Crosscutting. When the protagonist is talking about his dreams and we see a scene of his dreams while they continuou talking.
- Slow motion. In the scene where the objects are flying.

Mise-en scene:
- Props. The props of the scene where showing the picture of the woman are the pen, the notebook, the hand and the picture.
- Custome. The actors wear an informal custome all the film.

- Diegetic sound. Are for example, the conversations or dialogues.
- Non-diegetic sound. The noise that the earthquake make.

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